【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム say to

One day, however, Mr Trent said to me, “You could be a good player, Ben, but you need to think more about your game.

**タイトル: “英語の動詞『say to』の使い方と類似表現”**

「say to」は「~に言う」という意味です。


1. She said to her friend, “Let’s go to the cinema this weekend.”

2. The teacher said to the students, “Please submit your assignments by Friday.”

3. He said to his sister, “I will help you with your math homework.”

4. The coach said to the team, “We need to work harder to win the next match.”

5. She said to her parents, “I want to study abroad next year.”

6. He said to his boss, “Thank you for the opportunity to work on this project.”

7. The doctor said to the patient, “You should get plenty of rest to recover quickly.”

8. The tour guide said to the tourists, “Please follow me, and I will show you around the museum.”

9. The manager said to the employees, “We have a meeting at 3 PM today to discuss the new project.”

10. She said to her friend, “I heard there’s a great café near the park. Let’s check it out together.”