【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム sell off

A Chicago auction house was selling off the belongings of an old woman named Vivian Maier.

「sell off」は、「~を売り払う」という意味です。

「sell off」は、ビジネスや株式市場などでよく使われます。例えば、ある企業が突然の経営難から多くの株を急いで売却する場合や、商品の需要が急激に減少し、そのために在庫を安く売り払う場面などで使われることがあります。


1. The store decided to sell off its old inventory at a discount.

2. The company had to sell off some of its assets to cover its debts.

3. During the clearance sale, the clothing retailer will sell off last season’s stock.

4. The bookstore will sell off its remaining copies of the popular novel.

5. The company’s financial crisis forced them to sell off their subsidiary.

6. The farmer decided to sell off some of his land to a neighboring farmer.

7. The electronics store will sell off the outdated models to make room for new ones.

8. The company had to sell off its luxury cars due to the economic downturn.

9. The department store will sell off its remaining holiday decorations.

10. The art gallery will sell off the paintings of the featured artist after the exhibition.