【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム sell out

In just two years, the band’s shows were selling out at large concert halls.
(わずか 2 年で、バンドのショーは大きなコンサートホールで売り切れた。)

「sell out」は、「売り切れる」という意味です。具体的には、商品やチケットなどが完売してしまう状況を指します。

類似の表現としては、「run out」や「be out of stock」などがあります。

「run out」は在庫が底をついてしまう状況を表し、特に数量が少なくなる場合に使われます。一方、「be out of stock」は、商品が全く在庫切れになる状況を指します。


1. The concert tickets are sold out, so we can’t attend the show.

2. The popular novel was sold out within a week of its release.

3. The limited edition sneakers were sold out in just a few hours.

4. The concert was sold out, disappointing many fans.

5. The latest smartphone model is expected to be sold out on the first day of its release.

6. The tickets for the amusement park were sold out during the holiday season.

7. The concert tickets were sold out rapidly due to the famous artist’s performance.

8. The limited edition merchandise of the movie was sold out before the film’s release.

9. The popular restaurant’s reservation slots are always sold out, so plan ahead.

10. The concert tickets for the charity event were sold out, raising a significant amount of funds.