【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム shake hands with

But the boy named Robert McGinnis was already on the stage, shaking hands with the mayor and accepting the prize.

「shake hands with」は「握手する」という意味です。


1. I had the opportunity to shake hands with the famous author at the book signing event.

2. They greeted each other by shaking hands with a smile.

3. It’s customary to shake hands with your colleagues when you meet them in the morning.

4. The diplomat shook hands with the president as a sign of mutual respect.

5. As a gesture of sportsmanship, the players from both teams shook hands with each other after the match.

6. The job interview concluded with the candidates shaking hands with the interview panel.

7. It’s polite to shake hands with your host when you visit someone’s home for the first time.

8. The business partners sealed the deal by shaking hands with a sense of accomplishment.

9. The politician greeted the crowd by shaking hands with the people who had gathered to hear his speech.

10. The young students eagerly shook hands with the visiting scientist after the inspiring science demonstration.