【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム show around

We would like to show you around Asuka.

「show around」は、「~を案内する」という意味です。


「show around」に類似する表現としては、「guide around」という言い方もあります。これも同様に、新しい場所を案内する際に使われます。

「show around」は、案内するだけでなく、その場所の魅力や特徴を披露する意味合いが強調されます。一方で、「guide around」は、単に案内することに焦点を当てています。


1. I will show you around the historical sites in our city during your visit.

2. He offered to show me around the campus on my first day at the new school.

3. Can you show us around your hometown when we visit next month?

4. She was excited to show her new painting to everyone around.

5. The tour guide will show us around the famous museum this afternoon.

6. He kindly showed me around the local market and explained the different products.

7. I’m planning to show my grandparents around the modern city where I live.

8. The professor offered to show the foreign students around the campus to help them get familiar with the facilities.

9. She asked her friend to show her around the local bookstore to find some new novels.

10. We’re excited to show you around our school and introduce you to our classmates.