【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム show off

Now Sabine and Aston go to weekend fairs and horse shows around Europe to show off his skills.

「show off」は、「~を自慢する」「~を見せびらかす」といった意味です。



1. She loves to show off her new artwork to her friends.

2. He always tries to show off his knowledge in class discussions.

3. They decided to show off their dance skills at the talent show.

4. She couldn’t resist showing off her new smartphone to her classmates.

5. He’s always eager to show off his cooking abilities during our gatherings.

6. The fashion show allowed designers to show off their latest creations.

7. She subtly tried to show off her English skills by speaking fluently with the tourists.

8. The magician used the opportunity to show off his impressive tricks to the audience.

9. He tends to show off his athletic abilities during school sports events.

10. The museum exhibit allowed artists to show off their unique interpretations of the theme.