【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム sign up

Are you going to sign up for this program?

「sign up」は「登録する」という意味です。




Sure, here are 10 example sentences using the expression “sign up.” Each sentence is composed of words at the level of the Eiken 2nd Grade (Pre-2nd Grade) exam. The Japanese translation follows each sentence.

1. I decided to sign up for the cooking class to improve my culinary skills.

2. She wants to sign up for the photography workshop to learn how to take better pictures.

3. Many students signed up for the school trip to Kyoto.

4. If you want to join the soccer club, you need to sign up before the end of the week.

5. They decided to sign up for the language exchange program to practice speaking English.

6. Don’t forget to sign up for the school festival’s volunteer activities.

7. He’s planning to sign up for the online course to learn graphic design.

8. We encourage all students to sign up for the science club and explore various experiments.

9. She decided to sign up for the marathon even though she’s never run that far before.

10. If you want to attend the workshop, remember to sign up as soon as possible.