【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム slow down

As it got darker, though, we had to slow down.

「slow down」は「ペースを落とす」という意味になります。


1. Please slow down your speech so that everyone can understand you clearly.

2. Drivers should slow down when approaching a school zone.

3. It’s important to slow down and appreciate the beauty of nature around us.

4. The doctor advised him to slow down and take some time off to recover from stress.

5. She realized she needed to slow down her study pace to avoid burnout.

6. Despite her busy schedule, she made a conscious effort to slow down and spend quality time with her family.

7. The hiker was advised to slow down while climbing the steep mountain path.

8. Despite the deadline approaching, he decided to slow down and double-check his work for any errors.

9. The old couple enjoyed their retirement by taking the time to slow down and enjoy each other’s company.

10. The teacher reminded the students to slow down and read the instructions carefully before starting the exam.