【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム socialize with

The friendly person, who had fed and socialized with them, got a completely different reaction from the cephalopods than the other person who had not.

「socialize with」は「~と交流する」という意味です。

類似の表現に「hang out with(~と一緒に過ごす)」というフレーズもあり、少しカジュアルな印象があります。一方、「socialize with」は、よりフォーマルな場面やビジネス関連の状況でも適切に使えます。


1. I enjoy socializing with my classmates during lunch breaks.

2. She often socializes with her neighbors at community events.

3. He finds it challenging to socialize with new people due to his shyness.

4. Despite being busy with work, she tries to socialize with her friends on weekends.

5. Socializing with colleagues after work can help build better relationships in the office.

6. He prefers to socialize with people who share his hobbies and interests.

7. Socializing with international students improved her language skills and cultural understanding.

8. Despite his busy schedule, he tries to find time to socialize with his family members.

9. Socializing with classmates outside of school helps strengthen their bonds of friendship.

10. Although he used to be introverted, he gradually learned how to socialize with others.