【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム speak to

I spoke to the leader of the campaign, Katy, who explained the situation.

「speak to」は「~と話す」という意味です。

類似の表現としては、「talk to」や「chat with」という表現があります。

「talk to」はある程度リラックスした状況やカジュアルな話し方を指すことが多いです。一方、「speak to」はややフォーマルな場面や、専門的な話題に使われることが多いです。また、「chat with」は軽い会話や雑談を指すことが多いです。


1. I need to speak to the teacher about my grades.

2. She wants to speak to her manager about taking a few days off.

3. He’s nervous to speak to the audience during the presentation.

4. Can I speak to you for a moment?

5. I had a chance to speak to the author at the book signing event.

6. They need to speak to their landlord about the leaky roof.

7. She couldn’t speak to him during the meeting due to the noisy surroundings.

8. The student was asked to speak to the class about her summer vacation.

9. He needs to speak to the doctor about his persistent cough.

10. The manager will speak to the employees about the upcoming changes in the company.