【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム spend ~ on ・・・

Also, the table shows that Asian visitors, overall, tend to spend more on shopping compared to visitors from Europe and Australia.

「spend ~ on …」は日本語で「…に(時間やお金など)を費やす」という意味です。


1. I like to spend on books because reading helps me relax.

2. She spends on art supplies to create beautiful paintings.

3. They often spend on travel to explore new places and cultures.

4. He enjoys spending on gadgets like smartphones and laptops.

5. Despite the cost, she decided to spend on a gym membership for better health.

6. He prefers to spend on quality clothing rather than buying cheap items.

7. She saved up to spend on a dream vacation to Hawaii.

8. They decided to spend on home renovations to create a more comfortable living space.

9. He used his bonus to spend on a new camera for his photography hobby.

10. Despite the financial challenges, they always find a way to spend on family outings.