【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム struggle to

「struggle to」は、「~に苦労する」という意味です。


類似の表現として、「strive to」や「endeavor to」という表現があります。これらも、努力して目標に向かう様子を表す際に使われます。


1. He struggled to understand the complex instructions in the manual.

2. She struggled to keep up with the fast-paced conversation in the English class.

3. They struggled to find a solution to the challenging math problem.

4. He struggled to balance his part-time job with his studies.

5. She struggled to express her thoughts clearly in the presentation.

6. They struggled to adapt to the new school environment.

7. He struggled to control his nervousness before the important exam.

8. She struggled to find relevant sources for her research paper.

9. They struggled to meet the tight deadline for the group project.

10. He struggled to improve his pronunciation by practicing every day.