【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム stuff into

Then, my friend told me to take off my outer layers and stuff them into my sleeping bag to fill up some of the empty space.

「stuff into」は、「~を詰め込む」という意味です。


類似の表現に「pack into」という表現もあります。

「stuff into」は、少し無理に詰め込む感じを含みます。一方、「pack into」は、より整然と物を詰めるイメージがあり、計画的に詰め込む場面に向いています。


Sure, here are 10 sentences using the expression “stuff into” and composed of words at the level of the Eiken Grade 2 exam:

1. She managed to stuff all her clothes into a single suitcase for the trip.

2. He always tries to stuff as much information into his presentations as possible.

3. The students were able to stuff their backpacks with all the necessary books and supplies.

4. Despite its size, she managed to stuff the teddy bear into her tiny bag.

5. They decided to stuff the gift into a decorative box to make it look more appealing.

6. He always tries to stuff way too many snacks into his backpack for school.

7. Despite the small car trunk, they somehow managed to stuff all their luggage in.

8. She decided to stuff the envelope with extra photos as a surprise for her pen pal.

9. They were able to stuff a week’s worth of groceries into the fridge and pantry.

10. Despite the tight schedule, they managed to stuff a quick workout session into their morning routine.