【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム suck out

They do, however, have two sharp needles, called stylets, that they use to pierce plant cells or the bodies of smaller creatures so the contents can be sucked out.

「Suck Out」は「~を吸い出す」という意味です。




1. The vacuum cleaner can suck out all the dirt from the carpets.

2. She used a straw to suck out the last drops of juice from the glass.

3. The doctor needed to suck out the poison from the snake bite.

4. The mechanic had to suck out the old oil before putting in the new one.

5. The dentist used a tool to suck out the excess saliva during the procedure.

6. The clogged sink was fixed after using a plunger to suck out the blockage.

7. The scientist used a syringe to suck out a small sample of the liquid for testing.

8. The insect’s proboscis can suck out nectar from flowers.

9. The chef used a culinary technique to suck out the flavors from the herbs into the sauce.

10. The cleaning solution is designed to suck out stubborn stains from fabrics.