【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム switch to

I always suffer from allergies in the spring.

「suffer from」は「~に苦しむ」「~で困っている」という意味です。


1. She suffers from allergies, so she always carries antihistamines.

2. He suffers from stage fright every time he has to speak in public.

3. She suffers from insomnia, often finding it difficult to fall asleep.

4. He suffers from a fear of heights, which makes climbing a challenge.

5. She suffers from frequent migraines, which affect her daily activities.

6. He suffers from a lack of self-confidence, often doubting his abilities.

7. She suffers from a busy schedule, rarely having time for leisure activities.

8. He suffers from language barrier issues, as English is not his native tongue.

9. She suffers from financial difficulties, struggling to make ends meet.

10. He suffers from a lack of motivation, finding it hard to stay focused on his studies.