【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム take a chance

Take a chance to ask questions!

「take a chance」とは、「~の機会をつかむ」という意味の表現です。つまり、何か新しいことや未知のことに挑戦することや、リスクを冒してチャンスを掴もうとする態度を表現します。

類似の表現としては、「take a risk」というフレーズもあります。これも「リスクを冒す」という意味合いで、似たような使い方がされます。

「take a chance」と「take a risk」は、どちらも冒険的な行動やリスクを取ることを表現しますが、微妙な違いがあります。前者はポジティブな意味合いが強く、成功する可能性や新しいチャンスに焦点を当てています。一方で、後者の「take a risk」は、行動のリスクや成功しない可能性に焦点を合わせています。


1. I decided to take a chance and apply for the job, even though I wasn’t sure I met all the requirements.

2. She took a chance by investing in that startup, and it turned out to be a very successful decision.

3. Despite the risks, they took a chance on the new marketing strategy to attract more customers.

4. He decided to take a chance and ask his crush out on a date, and she surprisingly said yes.

5. Even though he wasn’t experienced in public speaking, he took a chance and gave a speech at the event.

6. She took a chance and entered the photography contest, hoping her skills would stand out.

7. They decided to take a chance on the unknown restaurant, and it turned out to have amazing food.

8. Despite the difficult trail, they took a chance on hiking to the mountain’s summit and were rewarded with breathtaking views.

9. He took a chance by trying a new study method, and his test scores improved significantly.

10. Although the competition was tough, she decided to take a chance and audition for the lead role in the school play.