【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム take a concentration

It was not easy, and took a lot of concentration.

「take a concentration」は「集中する」「注意を向ける」といった意味です。



1. She needs to take a concentration to improve her academic performance.

2. During the exam week, students often take a concentration to review their subjects.

3. He decided to take a concentration in mathematics to prepare for the upcoming competition.

4. She found it helpful to take a concentration in language skills before the language proficiency test.

5. The students will take a concentration in history to enhance their understanding of the subject.

6. In order to excel in science, he decided to take a concentration on physics this semester.

7. She has been struggling with grammar, so she plans to take a concentration in English grammar.

8. To improve his writing skills, he will take a concentration in creative writing.

9. Students who want to succeed in the business world often take a concentration in economics.

10. Despite his initial struggles, he decided to take a concentration in foreign languages.