【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム take a picture

I took a picture of the flyer.

「take a picture」は、「写真を撮る」という意味です。


1. I always take a picture of my breakfast and post it on social media.

2. She wanted to take a picture of the sunset over the ocean.

3. Don’t forget to take a picture of the famous landmark when you visit the city.

4. We decided to take a picture to remember the special moment.

5. He loves to take pictures of birds in the park.

6. She asked me to take a picture of her and her friends at the party.

7. During the vacation, we took many pictures to document our adventures.

8. Can you take a picture of me with this statue?

9. They always take pictures of their meals before eating.

10. I want to take a picture of the rainbow after the rain.