【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム change back

The dolphins followed for a few minutes, but then changed back to their original course.


change back は、「戻る」という意味です。しかし、実際にはもう少しニュアンスがあります。例えば、ある変化が起こり、その後に元の状態に戻ることを指す場合や、特定の状況や状態が一時的に変化した後に元に戻ることを指す場合に使われます。


また、類似の表現としては、「revert back」という表現もあります。これも「戻る」という意味であり、時には「change back」とほぼ同じ意味で使用されます。ただし、「revert back」はやや冗長な表現とされており、一般的には「change back」の方がよりよく使われます。


1. I accidentally changed the font, but I managed to change it back to the original style.

2. He dyed his hair a different color, but he eventually changed it back to his natural shade.

3. She bought a new phone, but after a week, she realized she preferred her old one and decided to change back.

4. The company implemented a new policy, but due to negative feedback from employees, they had to change it back.

5. They temporarily changed the road direction for construction, but once the project was completed, they changed it back to normal.

6. The software update caused some issues, so I had to uninstall it and change back to the previous version.

7. They experimented with a new menu, but the customers didn’t like it, so they quickly changed back to the old menu.

8. The fashion trend changed, but she didn’t follow it and instead changed back to her own unique style.

9. They switched to a different supplier, but due to quality issues, they had no choice but to change back to their previous supplier.

10. He tried a new workout routine, but it didn’t yield the desired results, so he decided to change back to his old routine.