【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム change to

「change to」は、「~に変わる」という意味で、物事や状況が急に変化することを表現するために使用されます。例えば、天候が急に変化することや、人々の態度や感情が急変することを表現するのに使われます。


1. She changed to a new job last month.

2. He changed to a healthier diet and lost weight.

3. They changed to a bigger house after they had a baby.

4. The company changed to a more eco-friendly packaging for its products.

5. The weather suddenly changed to a thunderstorm, so we had to cancel the outdoor event.

6. The caterpillar changed to a butterfly after weeks of transformation.

7. They changed to a different hotel due to a problem with their reservation.

8. He changed to a faster pace during the race to catch up with the leading runners.

9. After the accident, his attitude towards life changed to a more positive outlook.

10. The student changed to a different major in college to pursue his passion for music.