【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム charge at

While he was studying whales underwater, one came charging at him.


charge at は、「突進する」という意味です。しかし、実際には物理的な突進だけでなく、言動や行動の意味でも使われます。

charge at は元々は軍事用語として使われていましたが、今では、例えば、スポーツの試合中にプレイヤーが相手に突進して行く様子を表現する際にも使われます。

類似の表現としては、「rush at」や「dash at」という表現があります。これらの表現も「突進する」という意味で使われます。


1. The bull suddenly charged at the matador in the arena.

2. The dog broke free from its leash and charged at the mailman.

3. The soccer player skillfully charged at the goal and scored a goal.

4. The protesters angrily charged at the police barricade, demanding justice.

5. The child playfully charged at his friends during a game of tag.

6. The sprinter charged at the finish line, giving her all in the final stretch of the race.

7. The rhinoceros charged at the safari vehicle, causing a moment of panic among the tourists.

8. The soldier bravely charged at the enemy’s position, leading the charge.

9. The waves crashed against the rocks, charging at them with great force.

10. The goalkeeper anticipated the striker’s move and charged at the ball, making a spectacular save.