【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム charge up

I’d better charge up my tablet.

charge up は、「~を充電する」という意味です。その他にも、人や物事にエネルギーを与える、元気づける、活気づけるという意味を持っています。


1. I need to charge up my phone before leaving the house.

2. He forgot to charge up his laptop, so he couldn’t work on his assignment.

3. The electric car takes several hours to charge up fully.

4. Don’t forget to charge up your camera batteries before the trip.

5. She plugged in her tablet to charge up overnight.

6. The power bank can charge up your phone multiple times before it needs recharging.

7. The new solar panels can charge up the batteries using sunlight.

8. I always make sure to charge up my e-reader before going on a long trip.

9. The wireless headphones need to be charged up regularly to ensure optimal performance.

10. The power outage lasted for several hours, so we had to find alternative ways to charge up our devices.