【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム chat with

If I had been in the countryside, I probably would have walked around and chatted with the local people.

chat with は「~とおしゃべりする」という意味です。この表現は、友人や知人と軽い会話を楽しむときに使われる言い回しです。


類似の表現としては、「have a conversation with」という言い回しがあります。これも「おしゃべりする」という意味で使われますが、少しフォーマルな場面や重要な話し合いをする際に使用されることがあります。


1. I enjoy chatting with my best friend about our favorite movies.

2. They often chat with their neighbors in the garden on weekends.

3. My mom loves to chat with her colleagues during lunch break.

4. We had a great time chatting with our relatives at the family reunion.

5. The students often chat with each other before the class starts.

6. She enjoys chatting with her online friends late into the night.

7. The elderly people in the community gather at the park to chat with each other.

8. After work, he likes to go to the café and chat with the barista.

9. During the long train ride, they chatted with fellow passengers to pass the time.

10. The book club members meet every month to chat with each other about the latest book they’ve read.