【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム come home

come home と go home は、どちらも「帰る」という意味ですが、使い方の違いがあります。例えば、自分が自宅にいて他の誰かが家に帰ってくる場合なら come home を使い、自分が自宅以外の場所にいて、そこから家に帰るなら「go home」を使います。


1. I came home late last night after a long day at work.

2. My sister always comes home from school with a big smile on her face.

3. After the party, we all came home together in a taxi.

4. It’s important to come home early to have dinner with your family.

5. She came home exhausted after a long day of hiking in the mountains.
(山で一日ハイキングした後、彼女は exhausted 状態で帰宅しました。)

6. He usually comes home by bus, but today he decided to walk.

7. Don’t forget to come home straight after school.

8. My grandparents always come home for the holidays to spend time with the family.

9. She was so excited to come home and show her parents her report card.

10. The dog ran away but eventually found its way back and came home safely.