【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム come over

When can we come over?

come over は「訪れる」という意味になりますが、実際にはそれ以上の意味が含まれています。

come over は単に場所への移動を指すだけでなく、友人や家族などとの交流や親近感を表現するときにも使われます。

類似の表現としては、visit がありますが、come over とは異なり、より正式な訪問や場所への移動を指す傾向があります。一方、come over はよりカジュアルで友好的な関係を表現する際に使われることが多いです。


1. Could you come over to my house this evening?

2. I’m feeling lonely. Would you like to come over and keep me company?

3. My friends often come over to study together.

4. Can you come over to the library after school? I need help with my homework.

5. We’re having a small gathering at my place this weekend. Would you like to come over?

6. I have some exciting news to share. Can you come over so we can talk about it?

7. The neighbor’s dog often comes over to our yard to play with our dog.

8. My grandparents live in the countryside. We love to come over and visit them during the summer vacation.

9. Our team is having a meeting tomorrow. Please come over to the conference room at 10 am.

10. I’m having a movie night at my place. You should come over and join us.