【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム it comes to ~ that

come to (人) that は「~に気づく」という意味です。文学や物語、映画、ドラマなどでは、登場人物が重要な洞察や気づきを得る場面や、物語の転換点を表現するために使われます。

類似の表現としては、「realize that」や「become aware that」という表現があります。これらの表現も同様に、ある人が何かを理解したり気づいたりする状況を表現する際に使われます。


1. It came to me that she was secretly planning a surprise party for her best friend.

2. It came to me that the new student was an incredibly talented artist.

3. It came to me that the novel I was reading had been turned into a movie.

4. It came to me that my parents had planned a weekend getaway without telling me.

5. It came to me that the company had decided to relocate its headquarters to a different city.

6. It came to me that my best friend had won a prestigious scholarship to study abroad.

7. It came to me that the class trip had been canceled due to bad weather.

8. It came to me that my favorite band was going to release a new album next month.

9. It came to me that the school had decided to implement a new dress code policy.

10. It came to me that my younger sister had passed her driving test on the first try.