【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム compete with

compete with は、「~と競争する」という意味です。この表現は単純に競争することを指すだけでなく、ライバルや競争相手と対抗しながら進むことを意味します。

compete withは、競技やスポーツで使われるだけでなく。ビジネスや経済の分野でも使われ、例えば、企業が市場で競合他社と競争する際にも用いられる表現です。


1. Many athletes compete with each other to win the gold medal.
2. The two companies compete with each other in the global market.
3. Our school’s soccer team will compete with the top-ranked team in the championship.
4. The talented chefs will compete with each other in the cooking competition.
5. Many singers from different countries will compete with each other in the music festival.
6. In the business world, companies constantly compete with each other for market share.
7. The two students will compete with each other to become the class president.
8. Despite their differences, the two friends often compete with each other in various sports.
9. The teams from different schools will compete with each other in the basketball tournament.
10. The two artists compete with each other for the first prize in the art exhibition.