【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム concentrate on

concentrate on は、「~に集中する」という意味で、例えば、「試験勉強に集中しなければならない」というときなどに使われてます。

類似の表現としては、focus on や pay attention to という表現があります。focus on も「集中する」という意味で、concentrate on と非常に似ています。pay attention to は、「注意を向ける」という意味でです。


1. I need to concentrate on studying for my upcoming exams.

2. He always concentrates on his work and never gets distracted.

3. The team needs to concentrate on improving their performance for the next match.

4. I find it difficult to concentrate on reading when there is noise around me.

5. She advised her students to concentrate on developing their writing skills.

6. It’s important to concentrate on the road while driving to ensure safety.

7. The athlete needs to concentrate on maintaining a balanced diet for better performance.

8. During the exam, it’s crucial to concentrate on the questions and manage your time effectively.

9. The artist was able to concentrate on his painting and block out all distractions around him.

10. She decided to take a break and go for a walk to clear her mind before concentrating on her writing.