【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム connect with

However, next time I want to connect more with British people and eat more traditional British food.

connect with は「~とつながる、結びつく」という意味ですが、人とつながるだけでなく、ある話や音楽、本などに心が動かされたり、共感したりする場合にも使われます。

類似の表現としては、relate to という表現があり、これも「~と共感する」という意味で使われることがあります。


1. I can easily connect with her through our shared love for music.

2. The novel’s protagonist is a relatable character that readers can connect with.

3. We were able to connect with the local community by participating in volunteer activities.

4. The speaker’s personal story resonated with the audience, allowing them to connect with the message on a deeper level.

5. Through social media, we can connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

6. The documentary film connects with viewers by highlighting important social issues.

7. The teacher used real-life examples to help students connect with the academic concepts.

8. The art exhibition aims to connect with the audience on an emotional level, evoking personal memories and feelings.

9. The novel’s theme of love and loss resonates with readers, allowing them to connect with the characters’ experiences.

10. The workshop provided a safe space for participants to connect with their emotions and express themselves freely.