【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム describe A as B

Science fiction sometimes describes aliens as looking like octopuses, so this animal group “cephalopods,” which means “head-feet,” may be perceived as being distant from humans.
(SF では宇宙人の姿がタコに似ていると描写されることがあるため、この動物グループ「頭足類」(「頭と足」を意味する)は人間とは遠い存在として認識されるかもしれません。)

describe A as B という表現は、「AをBと表現する」という意味です。類似の表現として、depict A as B があります。

describe は、言葉や文章を使って詳細に物事を説明することを指します。主に言葉を使って、対象の特徴や性質、外見、状況などを言葉で描写します。例えば、小説の中でキャラクターや風景を描写する際によく使われる言葉です。

一方で、depict は、絵画、写真、映画などの視覚的な手段を使って物事を表現することを指します。


1. I would describe her as diligent and responsible.

2. He described the movie as entertaining and thought-provoking.

3. They described the view from the mountaintop as breathtaking.

4. She described her experience at the concert as unforgettable.

5. The novel was described as a heartwarming story of friendship and adventure.

6. He described the taste of the dish as incredibly delicious.

7. They described the new museum as a masterpiece of modern architecture.

8. She described her new pet as adorable and playful.

9. The professor described the research findings as groundbreaking.

10. They described the concert as a once-in-a-lifetime experience.