【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム devide A into B

One researcher divided the oldest participants into four age groups: A (70-74), B (75-79), C (80-84), and D (85+).

devide A into B は、「AをBに分割する」という意味の表現で、ビジネスのレポートやアカデミックな文章でよく用いられます。統計データの解析やプロジェクトの成果を報告する際に、部分ごとに分けて説明するのに用いられる表現です。

類似の表現としては、「split A into B」「break A down into B」などがあります。これらも「分割する」という意味で使われます。


1. I divided the pizza into eight slices.

2. She divided her time equally between work and family.

3. The country is divided into four main regions.

4. They divided the project into smaller tasks to make it more manageable.

5. We need to divide the money into three equal parts.

6. The book is divided into chapters, each focusing on a different topic.

7. The company plans to divide the workforce into specialized teams.

8. The cake will be divided into individual servings for each guest.

9. The report divides the data into different categories for analysis.

10. The class was divided into groups for a group project.