【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム end up

We ended up at the Shopping Zone, where we bought souvenirs for our friends and family.

end up という表現は、「結局~することになる」という意味で、予定していなかった結果や状況になることを表現する際に使われます。

例えば、「I wanted to go to the park, but I ended up staying home because it rained(公園に行きたかったけれど、最終的には雨で家にいることになった)」のような場合に使うことができます。

類似の表現としては、find oneself があります。例えば、「She found herself in a difficult situation(彼女は困難な状況に陥った)」のように予定外の結果や状況を表現するのに使われます。


1. I missed the last train, so I ended up walking home.

2. He wanted to be a doctor, but he ended up becoming a teacher.

3. They planned to have a picnic, but it ended up raining.

4. She studied art in college, but she ended up working in a bank.

5. We started with a small project, but it ended up turning into a huge success.

6. They went shopping for clothes, but they ended up buying only accessories.

7. He thought he would win the game, but he ended up losing by a narrow margin.

8. She tried to fix the broken vase, but she ended up making it worse.

9. They started dating casually, but they ended up getting married.

10. He wanted to go to the beach, but he ended up staying at home due to bad weather.