【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム fade in

As the name “ghost koi” suggests, these fish can fade in and out of sight while swimming.

fade inは「次第に明るくなる」「徐々に姿を見せる」という意味です。映画やテレビ番組などで使われる表現で、画面が徐々に明るくなることを意味します。


1. The scene fades in, revealing a picturesque sunset over the ocean.

2. As the curtains rise, the stage slowly fades in, showcasing a magnificent set design.

3. In the opening shot of the movie, the camera fades in to a bustling city street.

4. The dream sequence starts with a blurred image that gradually fades in, revealing a mysterious figure.

5. As the music begins, the lights dim and a spotlight fades in, illuminating the lead singer.

6. The movie opens with a black screen, then slowly fades in to a bustling marketplace.

7. In the distance, the silhouette of a mountain range fades in against the orange sky at dawn.

8. As the memories resurface, the old photographs fade in one by one, capturing moments of joy and nostalgia.

9. The film starts with a blank screen, then words gradually fade in, setting the tone for the upcoming story.

10. The scene transitions from darkness to light as the sun rises, and the surrounding landscape fades in, revealing its natural beauty.