【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム flow into

This produces the juices that flow into the mouth and help with digestion.

flow intoは、「~に流れ込む」という意味で、ある物や液体がスムーズに移動して別の場所に入り込むことを意味します。


類似の表現としては、pour into という表現があります。flow into との違いは、例えば、観光客がある地域に殺到するなど、一斉に流れ込むというニュアンスで pour into が用いられます。


1. The river flows into the ocean.

2. The money from donations flows into the charity organization.

3. Ideas flow into my mind when I’m in a peaceful environment.

4. Energy flows into the body through proper nutrition.

5. Students from different backgrounds flow into this school, creating a diverse community.

6. Blood flows into the heart through the veins.

7. During rush hour, commuters flow into the train station.

8. Tourists flow into the city during the holiday season.

9. Creativity and inspiration flow into the artist’s work.

10. Positive feedback from readers flows into the writer’s inbox.