【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム focus on

These days, the RSC is focused on diversity in an attempt to represent all of UK society accurately.
(最近、RSC は英国社会全体を正確に代表するために多様性に焦点を当てています。)

focus on は「~に焦点を当てる」という意味で、ある対象やテーマに注目し、それを中心に考えたり、取り組んだりすることを表現します。


類似の表現として、pay attention to があります。これも特定の対象に注意を向けることを表現します。しかし、pay attention to は単に注意を払うことを意味するのに対して、focus on はより意識的に関心を持ち、作業に集中することを示します。


1. I need to focus on my studies to pass the exam.

2. The company should focus on improving customer service.

3. She decided to focus on her career and put off starting a family.

4. Our team needs to focus on teamwork to achieve our goals.

5. The government should focus on solving environmental issues.

6. It’s important to focus on the positive aspects of life.

7. The teacher advised the students to focus on their strengths and improve their weaknesses.

8. The team captain reminded everyone to focus on the game and avoid distractions.

9. The workshop will focus on developing communication skills.

10. The company’s new marketing strategy is to focus on younger demographics.