【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム gaze at

They may purchase and put up paintings just to gaze at frequently, or they may collect audio recordings and old-fashioned vinyl records to enjoy listening to their favorite music.

gaze at 「~を見つめる」という意味で、感情や美しさに関連する文章でよく使用されます。例えば、風景や芸術作品を見つめる場面や、恋人同士がお互いを見つめ合う場面などで使われます。

gaze at に類似の表現としては、stare at や look at といった表現があり、それぞれ微妙な違いがあります。gaze at はじっと見つめることに焦点を当て、感情や深い関心を伴っている場合に使用されます。一方、stare at は驚きや興味を持ってじっと見つめることを表し、 look at は単に見ることや注目することを指します。


1. She gazed at the stars, feeling a sense of awe and wonder.

2. The children gazed at the painting, mesmerized by its vibrant colors.

3. He gazed at the horizon, dreaming of the adventures that awaited him.

4. The couple sat by the beach, gazing at the sunset, hand in hand.

5. The students gazed at the blackboard, trying to decipher the complex equation.

6. The old man sat on the park bench, gazing at the children playing happily.

7. She gazed at the photo, reminiscing about the memories of her childhood.

8. The audience gazed at the stage in anticipation, waiting for the concert to begin.

9. He gazed at the mountain peak, determined to reach the summit before sunset.

10. The cat sat on the windowsill, gazing at the birds chirping outside.