【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム get along with

I was one of the top scorers, but I didn’t get along with my teammates.

get along with は、「~と仲良くする」「~とうまくやっていく」という意味で、他の人と関係を良好に保ち、円滑にコミュニケーションをとることを意味します。

類似の表現としては、get on well with があり、お互いの相性が良いことを強調するニュアンスがあります。


1. I get along with my classmates very well.

2. She gets along with her siblings despite their occasional arguments.

3. We get along with our neighbors and often have barbecues together.

4. Do you get along with your boss at work?

5. Despite our differences, we manage to get along in the office.

6. It’s important to get along with your roommates when living in a shared apartment.

7. She has always been able to get along with her extended family members.

8. Despite the language barrier, they managed to get along during their trip abroad.

9. It’s challenging to get along with difficult coworkers, but it’s necessary for a harmonious work environment.

10. Despite their different interests, they get along well as friends.