【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム get around

Many international students visit us, so we need to help these students get around.

get around は、「動き回る」という意味です。また、場所を移動するだけでなく、困難や障害を回避することも意味します。例えば、「彼はルールを巧妙に回避している」という意味を表現する際にも「get around」を使うことができます。

類似の表現としては go around があり、より広い場所を移動するニュアンスがあります。一方、get around は特定の目的地があるような場合に用いられます。


1. I prefer to get around by bike instead of taking the bus.

2. It’s easy to get around in Tokyo using the subway system.

3. She uses a wheelchair to get around due to her mobility impairment.

4. With the help of a map, tourists can easily get around the city.

5. My grandparents prefer to get around by car, even for short distances.

6. Despite the heavy traffic, he managed to get around the city in time for his meeting.

7. The city has an extensive public transportation system, making it easy for residents to get around.

8. It’s important to have a reliable mode of transportation to get around a big city.

9. Students often use bicycles to get around the university campus.

10. With the new subway line, commuters have more options to get around the city.