【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法83】イディオム get close to

get close to は「~に近づく」という意味で、ある場所に近づくだけでなく、何かと密接な関係を持つことや、親しい関係を築くことを表現する際にも使われます。

類似の表現としては、get to know (知り合いになる)という表現がありますが、get close to の方が親密さや感情的な接近を強調する意味があります。


1. I want to get close to nature by taking a hike in the mountains.

2. It’s important to get close to your colleagues to build a strong teamwork.

3. We should get close to different cultures to broaden our horizons.

4. In order to understand a person, you need to get close to their thoughts and feelings.

5. The detective got close to solving the mystery after finding a crucial piece of evidence.

6. She wants to get close to her favorite singer by attending his concert.

7. By studying hard, I hope to get close to achieving my dream of becoming a doctor.

8. The new student was shy at first, but gradually got close to her classmates and made new friends.

9. The charity organization aims to get close to those in need and provide them with necessary support.

10. By volunteering at the local community center, I hope to get close to the local residents and contribute to the community.