【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム get rid of

get rid of は「取り除く」、「処分する」という意味です。


類似の表現としては、dispose of という表現があります。この表現も「取り除く」や「処分する」という意味で使われますが、より形式的な文書や法的な文書などで使用されることが多いです。


1. I need to get rid of this old sweater.

2. He couldn’t get rid of the terrible smell in his apartment.

3. She decided to get rid of all the junk in her garage.

4. We should get rid of the old furniture and buy new ones.

5. It’s time to get rid of these bad habits.

6. They managed to get rid of the unwanted guests.

7. She couldn’t get rid of the feeling of guilt.

8. He tried various methods to get rid of the stubborn stain on his shirt.

9. They made a plan to get rid of the old, unused equipment.

10. It’s important to get rid of negative thoughts and focus on the positive.