【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム get time off

Let me talk to Mr Trent and see if I can get some time off practice.

get time off は、「休暇を取る」という意味です。

類似の表現としては、take a break や have some time off などがあります。take a break は、短い休憩を取る場合に使用されます。

have some time off は「休暇する」という意味になりますが、自分の意志で休みを取るというニュアンスがあります。反対に、get time off は会社の上司などから休暇の許可を貰うような場合に用いられます。


1. I want to get time off from work to attend my sister’s wedding.

2. She was able to get time off from school to visit her grandparents.

3. He requested to get time off to take a vacation with his family.

4. They were thrilled when they got time off to go on a trip to the beach.

5. Sarah managed to get time off from her part-time job to study for her exams.

6. He asked his boss if he could get time off to attend a conference.

7. The company allows employees to get time off for volunteer work.

8. She got time off from her busy schedule to spend quality time with her children.

9. We were lucky to get time off during the holidays to visit our relatives.

10. He was granted time off from work for a medical appointment.