【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム get used to

When Aston was very young, I used to take him out for walks on a lead, like a dog, so that he would get used to humans.

get used to は「~に慣れる」という意味です。

get used to は、経験や繰り返しによって徐々に慣れていくという意味合いがあります。


1. It took me some time to get used to the local customs and traditions.

2. She struggled initially, but eventually got used to the fast-paced city life.

3. It’s important for international students to get used to speaking English in their daily lives.

4. The students found it difficult to get used to the new school schedule after the summer break.

5. He had to get used to waking up early for his new job.

6. It took a while for her to get used to the different traffic rules in this country.

7. The team had to get used to the coach’s strict training methods.

8. It’s common for freshmen to take some time to get used to the university campus.

9. She struggled at first, but gradually got used to the different climate in her new city.

10. It’s important for immigrants to get used to the local language and customs.