【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go away

One disadvantage is that pets have to be cared for when owners go away.
(欠点の 1 つは、飼い主がいなくなったときにペットの世話をしなければならないことです。)

go away は「去る」という意味です。また、人が去るという意味だけでなく、何かが消えてしまうような場合にも用いられます。

go away はカジュアルなニュアンスがあるため、例えば、相手に部屋から出て行ってほしいときなどに、相手を傷つけずに伝えたいときにも使える表現です。


1. Don’t bother me, just go away.

2. I wish my problems would go away.

3. He told his little sister to go away and leave him alone.

4. I need some alone time, so please go away for a while.

5. The bad smell wouldn’t go away no matter how much she cleaned.

6. The old building is scheduled to go away next month to make room for a new shopping mall.

7. I asked the annoying salesperson to go away, but he kept following me.

8. The sadness in her heart wouldn’t go away no matter how much she tried to forget.

9. The scars from the accident will eventually go away with time.

10. She asked her annoying little brother to go away and stop bothering her.