【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go back

I had a rich cultural experience and I want to go back to Britain.

go back は、「戻る」という意味です。また、どこかの場所に戻るというだけでなく、過去の状態や状況に戻ることを表現する際にも使われます。

類似の表現としては、return to があり、go back に比べて、より形式的な場面や公式な文書で用いられる傾向があります。


1. I want to go back to my hometown during summer vacation.

2. She hopes to go back to school after recovering from her illness.

3. We should go back to the previous chapter and review the main points.

4. He wants to go back to the gym and resume his workout routine.

5. Can you go back to the store and return this item for me?

6. After studying abroad, she decided to go back to her home country and pursue her career there.

7. I wish I could go back to my childhood when life was simpler.

8. It’s important to go back to the basics and build a strong foundation in any subject.

9. After the trip, they wanted to go back to their daily routine and get back to work.

10. The detective decided to go back to the crime scene and look for any missed clues.