【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go beyond

Changes went beyond the hiring policy.

go beyondは「~を超える」という意味で、ある制限や境界を超えて進むことを表現する際に使われます。


1. The team’s determination and perseverance allowed them to go beyond their limits.

2. She always strives to go beyond expectations in her academic achievements.

3. The artist’s creativity goes beyond traditional boundaries, resulting in unique and innovative artworks.

4. The impact of climate change goes beyond ecological concerns, affecting various aspects of human life.

5. Their friendship goes beyond mere acquaintances; they are like siblings.

6. The benefits of regular exercise go beyond physical health, improving mental well-being as well.

7. The author’s novel explores philosophical themes that go beyond surface-level storytelling.

8. Their commitment to community service goes beyond volunteer work; they actively initiate positive changes.

9. The company’s mission is to go beyond profit and make a meaningful impact on society.

10. The documentary delves deep into the history of the conflict, going beyond simple explanations.