【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム go down

go down one floor

go down は直訳すると「下に行く」という意味ですが、その他にも様々な意味で用いられます。

go down は、例えば、経済の不況や試験での成績の悪化など、物事や状況が悪化することを表現するためによく使われます。


1. The sun goes down, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink.

2. As the temperature drops, I can feel the chill go down my spine.

3. The news of his resignation went down like a lead balloon among his colleagues.

4. The price of the stock went down sharply after the company announced its poor financial results.

5. The ship slowly went down, disappearing beneath the waves.

6. The elevator suddenly stopped, causing a feeling of unease to go down my spine.

7. The old building is scheduled to go down next week to make way for a new shopping mall.

8. The price of gasoline is expected to go down in the coming months due to increased production.

9. As the years go down, I find myself appreciating the simple joys of life more and more.

10. The news of her promotion went down well with her colleagues, who recognized her hard work and dedication.