【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム dry up

When the water dries up, so do they.

dry up という表現は、物や場所が乾燥する、水分がなくなる、または涸れるという意味を持ちます。それだけでなく、情報や話題が途切れること、アイデアや創造力が枯渇すること、口数が少なくなることなども表現するために使われます。


1. The river started to dry up during the summer months.

2. Her tears began to dry up as she found strength to move on.

3. The sun will quickly dry up the wet clothes hanging outside.

4. The lake has been drying up due to the lack of rainfall.

5. After a long drought, the crops in the field finally dried up.

6. She used a towel to dry up the spilled milk on the kitchen counter.

7. The ink on the paper started to dry up, making it difficult to read.

8. The riverbed was completely dry, and no water flowed through it.

9. He used a hairdryer to quickly dry up his wet hair before going out.

10. The desert climate causes the skin to dry up easily if not properly moisturized.