【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム take ~ for a walk

Some people take their pig(s) for a walk, which must be fun, but I wonder how easy it is to keep pigs inside homes.

「take ~ for a walk」は「~を散歩に連れていく」という意味です。


1. I like to take my dog for a walk in the park every morning.

2. She often takes her younger brother for a walk around the neighborhood.

3. On weekends, we usually take our kids for a walk along the river.

4. My grandmother loves to take her cat for a walk in the garden.

5. They decided to take their bikes for a walk instead of riding them today.

6. The children were excited to take their new puppy for a walk for the first time.

7. During the lunch break, I often take a book for a walk in the school courtyard.

8. She enjoys taking her camera for a walk to capture interesting moments in the city.

9. Despite the rain, he decided to take his umbrella for a walk just in case.

10. The old man likes to take his memories for a walk by revisiting his favorite places.