【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム talk about

Do you want to talk about what Hannah found in relation to the spending habits?

「talk about」は、「~について話す」という意味です。


1. Let’s talk about our favorite hobbies.

2. She often talks about her travels to different countries.

3. They gathered to talk about the upcoming school event.

4. He loves to talk about history and ancient civilizations.

5. During the meeting, we will talk about the new class schedule.

6. Can we talk about the environmental issues affecting our community?

7. The teacher asked the students to talk about their summer vacation experiences.

8. We should talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in education.

9. In today’s class, we will talk about famous authors and their works.

10. Let’s talk about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.