【豊富な例文付!共通テストの英文法】イディオム thank A for B

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「Thank A for B」は、「BのことでAに感謝する」という意味です。


1. I want to thank my parents for their unwavering support throughout my studies.

2. She thanked her teacher for explaining the complex grammar rules so clearly.

3. We should thank our team captain for leading us to victory in the championship.

4. They thanked their classmates for organizing such a memorable farewell party.

5. He thanked his friend for lending him the notes he missed during the class.

6. She thanked her coach for pushing her to achieve her personal best in the race.

7. They thanked their neighbors for helping them during the difficult times.

8. He thanked his sister for recommending the book that became his favorite.

9. She thanked her language exchange partner for correcting her pronunciation mistakes.

10. They thanked their teacher for arranging a field trip to the historical museum.